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Embracing our naked bodies | Valérie Brancq and David Noir | Photo © Brézide Gruyer

Our Bare Bodies: A Childhood Affair and Poetry

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Naked bodies: the art and instinct of creating the moment

Our naked bodies, our sexualities, the fantasies and taboos that generate our excitement...

In short, us and we... in short

Embracing our naked bodies | Valérie Brancq and David Noir | Photo © Brézide Gruyer
Embracing our naked bodies | Valérie Brancq and David Noir | Photo © Brézide Gruyer

It seems that the representations of our own bodies, ulterior motives and impulses continue to cause us problems with their images, or rather, with ours, that of our species. "Continuing" is certainly a misnomer, since far from progressing in a straight line in parallel with the advance of science, as we like to tell ourselves, we zigzag from more enlightened periods to obscurantism.

The 21st century seems to me to have started with a beautiful regression: resurgence of taboos, perhaps partly as a result of the fear generated by the AIDS epidemic, communitarian rejections, fear and religious fundamentalism, loss of the gains of the sexual revolutions (but perhaps they didn't really take place?) There were the age of enlightenmentI hear? From the point of view of mental excitement, we're more in the business of saving energy. Bad move, as they say. 

Unfortunately, if an alien reporter came from space to observe us, I think he would come away with the conclusion (if an alien is capable of objectivity) that everything that makes up our desiring and excitable being seems to eternally always lie on the edge of good and evil, in view of our morals and laws.

Sad statement of failure for a look in search of an evolved humanity. Personally, as an earthling, I am still and always amazed that my fellow citizens are not surprised every day that the very basis of our reproduction, of our hegemony; the heterogeneous store of our desires and our shames, not to mention the base of their family cells that they love so much, still provoke so much controversy when it comes to making a free display of it.

But when will the Mamma die?

After all, what could be more banal and even commonplace these days than unbridled sexuality? But that's precisely where the problem seems to lie. The malleable childhood would be too soon and without safeguards, confronted with its adult status to come. The resulting disturbance would go far beyond the stage of confused feelings and into a dangerous, irreparable manic psychosis. It is up to the legislator to deal with the problem if it is proven to exist, but let us at least be spared the ready-made morals within artistic creations. Freedom, freedom dear! is it not true?

But no! I feel that a vague idea-cult of the mother as being a virgin "somewhere" remains and sticks deep down; a quest for the saint as a ramp to Paradise for these guilt-ridden cradles that we are; an adoration of the Mamma that we want to forget that she was bred to have her offspring.
No more bullshit! Wherever it comes from, I'm sick and tired of respecting cultures and their stupid beliefs under the pretext that they are thousands of years old.

Fuck you, you exhibitionist believer of all stripes, you're hurting my own beliefs

Just as the white or abstentionist vote is one in itself; atheism is a religion, which wishes that the space made for the divine be philosophical, invisible and without comment. If I have to deal all the time with the religious moods of the majority (not to mention football matches), I want to have a proselytizing showcase for my deities, which are freedom, individualized thought, free pornography, polygamy, masculinism, feminism, creative demands, poetry, the ruin of the speculative bubble, the obligation to intelligence...

The truth of naked bodies

Wouldn't an advanced state of civilization be one that would objectively acknowledge our real desires and defuse their violent potential through a recognition, without regret or shame, of what constitutes us? Our primary image; that of our naked bodies.

Is there not a more formidable threat, a more frightening incitement to rape or castration than the aspiration to dream oneself other than what one is? The depreciation of the human being by himself is probably the worst violence he can do to himself and the despair of not being a pure spirit, at the origin of the most repugnant mutilating political and religious drifts, both psychic (ideological embrigadement) and physical (circumcision, excision).

The gods of our ancient ancestors, good-natured, refined although sometimes a little barbaric, did not ask so much of themselves. The monotheisms and their serious staging have come to invent guilt-inducing pain in order to better press where it hurts. It is however very small that, naked and without complex, we approached our body joyfully before the infamous mark of the social modesty and hypocrisy is printed on us.

The pleasure of being at play allows us to reconnect for a while with this lightness of soul and should always naturally encourage us to put away the ornaments of shame, abusively transmitted, in the same closet where our crumpled and abused desires are rolled into balls, which need the living show to show themselves off in the open air.

David Noir

David Noir, performer, actor, author, director, singer, visual artist, video maker, sound designer, teacher... carries his polymorphous nudity and his costumed childhood under the eyes and ears of anyone who wants to see and hear.

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