My dick is my friend. It's my privilege as a man and a boy. I like to be what I am in the first place. I like my impulses. I like my sex when it stands up as much as when it stands flaccid.

My pornography

An exhibition by David Noir


By the light of my acorn

My cock, my friend | By the light of my dick © David Noir

Journey | All the way down my stiff tail

Hello penis!

My cock, my friend | My happy penis © David Noir

permanent exhibition | permanent exhibition

Self-portrait | My penis and balls at rest | My cock, my friend © David Noir
Self-portrait | My penis and balls at rest | My cock, my friend © David Noir

I am a man

I'm a man. I like to be what I am in the first place. I like my impulses. I like my sex when it stands up as much as when it stands flaccid. I like to live at my own pace exclusively. I am an individual; not a social animal. My sociability is a lie to me, a truth to others. Nothing of my intimate being reaches completely outside. Yet when I exhibit myself, through writing, images or on stage, the background of what animates me is immediately made visible. It is the situation of vulnerability that alone can give all its strength to my ephemeral existence. This is what makes me take advantage of it; that I can be in disposition to enjoy it. I consider with profound disdain the easy imbecility of my contemporaries, which tends to value the value not to consider it as a notion that is not only grotesque, subjective and unfounded, but essentially a source of oppression in all societies that overwhelm us with their hierarchizations, whether culturally sententious or hysterically populist. The ritualization of our lives is the worst thing that has happened to us since the dawn of human time; in other words, what is done, what one has to do to be considered, to be integrated: the use of the air of time, of the prefabricated phrase, the voluntary absence of singularity, the respect of rites.

J’ai horreur des débats et des idées qui se limitent à être des idées. Je ne souhaite pas d’avenir pour l’humanité en l’état. Je ne crois pas à son aptitude à progresser, à devenir moins stupide et médiocre. J’ai davantage d’échanges avec ma bite qu’avec la plupart des humains. Qu’est-ce que l’humanité en dehors de sa véhémente capacité à consommer et à produire de quoi satisfaire ses appétits de consommation ?

Il faut pourtant avoir un regard effectif et passer outre le réel terrifiant. Il faut pourtant se créer ce regard différent. Il faut pourtant savoir parler pour pouvoir se taire.

My pornography

My prodigious mental space