You are currently viewing Journal des Parques J-25
Genesis of "La Toison dort" by David Noir | Invitation to the first production meeting on June 6, 2005 | Graphic design © Philippe Savoir

Journal des Parques D-25

Worrying continuation in ideas or saving stubbornness?

It's impossible for me to know. Rather want to completely empty an argument of its substance in order to be able to move on to something else. In any case, here's what I wrote eight years ago to potential decision-makers in preparation for this project while I was still working with them.  



The Fleece sleeps / genesis of a theatre (and society) project

David Noir / La Vie Est Courte Company / 2005


I - Considering the modernity of a public

The Internet today allows us to discover intimately a large part of the population of today's world.

These human beings, surfers of all conditions, sexes, ages and origins also form the huge public we are concerned to solicit.

Through innumerable sites and personal pages the human world is now also expressed between connected individuals.

Of all these new forms of communication, blogs are the most accessible to the less technological among us.

These are small sites with growing success, existing recently with us, whose simplified and fast execution allows the creation and free distribution of personal testimonials on all subjects and in multiple forms: diaries, news commentaries, creations, thoughts, mood posts, photo albums ...

I, for my part, consider these small pieces of our humanity as real pearls, whatever their content, because for the first time in the history of communication, anyone in an easy way can freely tell the rest of the world about themselves and learn about the tangible existence of their contemporaries on a daily basis.

Until now, only the "big" media (radio, television) have been able to send us a mirror of the multitude of which we are a part.

Artists also provided for this through their function as interpreters of life.

Only both were and remain subjective observers of each other.

The immense difference in the case of these new business cards on the Web, comes from the source of these individual expressions which is none other than the individuals themselves.

If we look at the public, it is therefore important to note that today and in the future, the public is and will also be its own author. It will invent itself in all conscience and will have less and less need to consume ... in art.

He himself makes, relays and informs.

We can therefore see that contrary to popular belief, a large number of people have perfectly integrated the notion of contemporaneity into art: just as little by little, some have a thirst for making their own electricity, the public generates part of its creative needs alone.

The audience of traditional theatre (I include the contemporary), is perhaps the most backward in terms of its own expression.

The famous "subscribers" still consume culture but produce only a weak dynamic of desire, simply because the world has changed and many of them have found effective ways to be autonomous and "liberated" from the professionals of the entertainment industry.

So it is not to them that I would like to address myself first to try to revitalize our relationship, but to those mentioned above who spend a few hours of their time every day showing up and visiting others from their homes.

II - Planned dialogues

Beyond the scenic project and including it even at its source, the real adventure that we want to try is to communicate from the start with this future public, itself a creator of forms.

He speaks about Him and we have always wanted to speak about Them and Us.

We therefore plan, through the creation of a specific site, directly linked to your own structures, to organize in the form of forums the development of the future theatrical project.

Through presentations of the current project and discussions on the net, we intend to inform but above all to nourish our work with the fruit of these same exchanges in order to meet this new public well in advance and thus directly involve them in the result.

It is not for demagogic purposes that we want to proceed in this way, but to benefit from the real psychic and concrete influence of the various reactions and comments on the creative process.

Far beyond that, we even believe that a metamorphosis of the relationship is possible in order to find an updated link based on the desire and necessity of the artists' existence for this public.

We believe in this "I" formulated today by a growing number and by ourselves since our origin.

It contains and expresses the freedom to be and to share, indispensable for human transactions.

This intimate word, newly revealed by the men and women of this world, also speaks of the last hours of the pyramidal hierarchy, at least in the expression of artistic values. It is no longer time for creators, producers, and presenters of live performances to still believe in the particular singularity of their approach.

No one is under any illusion about the powerful jail created by the consumer economy of material goods.

We are all still for a long time prisoners of this system of power, but the relative richness of the Web and the certain poverty of the frequentation of the places of creation, are there to testify of a necessary change in the idea that we have of the potential public and of our way of communicating with it about the world.

We desire and call upon his gaze upon us. But we still have to learn how to pass it on to him again.

III - Processes

In addition to the creation of the site, which is an indispensable platform, we envisage frequent meetings with interested broadcasters, supported by an adequate production.

Appointments, presentations, public rehearsals, free expression areas of the Internet users with whom we communicate, studies and productions made about themselves, would constitute the progressive construction and the very elements of the programming.

Instead of a few dates at the end of a successful project, we imagine an equivalent or greater number of stages throughout the seasons that would be as many creations, true pieces of the flesh of the object in progress; in fact, autonomous shows in themselves.

It is therefore with your constant and powerfully interactive support that we need to launch the artistic "pacification" machine that we hope to see emerge.

The Cold War, but far-sighted, basely seductive, full of tensions between artists-producers-broadcasters-hunters-predators at the barricades and prey-public, coveted and courted, has worn down the artistic-cultural system, which has not seen its power of fascination fade away.

We must acknowledge that the bird has flown away rather than give in to a civilized but depressing panic.

We all suffer from it. At a time when our Ministry, caught short, seems to be considering the final solution by reducing the number of companies, it seems more exciting to us to reexamine the very definition of the group of our interlocutors-spectators.

Who are we talking to? What has become in a few decades of cultural and intellectual activities, these spectators always possible but more autonomous than ever?

They are now manifesting themselves concretely and pushing their identities outside, like so many new botanical species; as we, full-time artist-creators, have wanted to do before.

So we've never been in such close proximity.

It is no longer a question of unconscious imagery, of a single "god" incarnated through each act of creation, but of a myriad of small figures building their mythology, of which artists are also part.

IV - The Stage Project

Scaffolded from three essential materials:

The commons:

  • Texts, sounds, images, company performers, filming, staging

The new ones:

  • Effective participation of the spectators met during the exchanges, in the films and plays to come on a real contractual basis (exchange of promotions through their sites and ours...).
  • Dissemination of work and free circulation of current data through blogs and personal pages of the public wishing to be connected with us.

The whole project in its global approach as well as the first theatrical opus resulting from this work will be entitled The Fleece sleeps and will look very directly at the intimate behaviors of our contemporaries and our own.

The source of the subject is naturally rooted in one of the very first expressions and preoccupations of the "I": our sexual impulses and the libidinal energy that flows from them: arousal.

Excitement, along with consumption, is the source of all pleasures for us living beings.

It is on the basis of these two entities that are gradually becoming opposed: excitement-awakening and consumption-sleep, that I wish to articulate my scenic purpose.

Between the "I" that singularizes and the "We" that unifies there is the tension that is characteristic of every work of art.

For me, it is a question of creating the electric arc between these two poles.

The last bastion of our hidden pornography is in the late 1970s.

Then the cinemas devoted to X-rated cinema disappeared as the consumption of fantasy images in the home on video media developed.

Thanks to light video, then micro-computing and the weaving of the Internet network, we are now at the stage of the artisanal and personal production of our own pornography.

It now floods the whole world with its images accessible with a simple click and gradually replaces our puritanical shame with a growing thirst for an exhibition of the Ego. First in the form of raw images of one's own sex, then slowly, through the creation of a discourse, a thought and a dialectical relationship to our bodies and those of our fellow men expressed without hindrance.

We are in the age of pornographers, both male and female, young and old, of all orientations.

I also claim to be a pornographer and aspire to express a point of view, in my view quite progressive, of the use of pornography in our daily lives, our communication and the image of ourselves.

 End of the archive

David Noir

David Noir, performer, actor, author, director, singer, visual artist, video maker, sound designer, teacher... carries his polymorphous nudity and his costumed childhood under the eyes and ears of anyone who wants to see and hear.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Rém Vach

    My dear friend, I can see from your project presented in 2005 that you have a lot of ideas.
    It reassures me greatly to discover that your subject of "research" at the time has evolved from the foundations laid at that time.
    We have a rather similar approach in many ways, it comforts me to know that I am not the only one to feel the urgency to share, to exchange to perhaps find answers to the many questions on the why and the how of relationships with our fellow men (although sometimes, I wonder what link unites me to my entourage so much I can't "connect" with others).
    I would have loved to be part of your April project.
    I can't complain since I'll be with my lover at that time (who lives in Paris).
    Even though I manage to live almost normally most of the time, I often feel a little off track.
    Your blog forces me to question myself, I feel alone in my approach.
    Your texts do not leave me indifferent, they accompany me in my loneliness and my uneven road.

    1. Pedro Pereira

      Dear Rem,

      Like you, I'm not indifferent to the texts...
      Like you, I feel that I also have "a similar approach in many ways, it comforts me to know that I am not the only one to feel the urgency to share, to exchange to perhaps find answers to the many questions on the whys and wherefores of relationships with our peers...".
      And it is exactly for these reasons that I will be there from April 20th to 24th! But in my case, I'm going from Portugal to Paris on purpose... leaving my lover in Lisbon...
      Dare to come and share this unique moment!


      1. David Noir

        Thank you Pedro, for always showing such vigour and enthusiasm!

    2. David Noir

      Thank you. Sorry for the short notice; the date is approaching and things are heating up. I'm trying to keep on top of the time but it's not easy. I had to miss a few episodes of Dr Who to be an expert on the subject 😉 .
      There would be so much to say about these connection difficulties you're talking about, this frying on the line ... I'm happy for you that you're so well accompanied in April.

  2. Patrick Speck

    Alas, I won't be able to come....I'm busy with my "artistic" activities .....Very consensual theatrical activities, formatted in a square where nothing should be overhanging (like the beds in the soldiers' rooms!). ), clean and tidy as it should be so as not to disturb the moral order in place....So, in such a context, yes, I often feel a little lonely....this is perhaps the worst of the Solitudes....and, in these moments, I have only one hurry; that of taking refuge in my shell....and, seeing no one, hearing no one....breaking up with Everyone... and in this autism....I find myself, at last...I know that this is not the day to talk about my little navel-gazing questions while David is feeling upside down, and fighting against all the constraints he has to face to carry out this project with all his team but from the bottom of my Solitude-I-am-of-all-souls-and-of-all-the-heart with You.....!!!! .....and shit!

    1. David Noir

      Ah ah! Thanks for the nice comment 🙂 I'm not laughing out of mockery, but am tenderized and amused by the grumpiness you put into your words. Are you an actor by trade? I'm also laughing at your last sentence. I really don't see why my belly button is more important than yours 😉 Want to smile again! You know, I'm very happy to have received feedback like yours. It was very unexpected for me. I didn't even think that anyone outside of my close acquaintances would take the time to read these long posts on sometimes so tenuous subjects. So I am really pleased and feel a lot of warmth in all your comments. So afterwards, of course I would have been very interested to see you or Rém react on the set and play with you; to know who you are, especially as we have exchanged in this way, but I think it's a bit of the same thing and it's not serious in terms of the issue I'm trying to create. It's part of my gamble to consider the blog and the Internet as an extension of the stage; and I think that thanks to your participation and your listening, it's already succeeded.

  3. Patrick Speck

    There is such a Listening on your part....It may be the fact of the virtuality of things that must have an impact, an impact that is conducive to hearing better, to hearing better because not being disturbed by the surrounding agitation...or you have this quality that becomes exceptional because in this life so automated, robotized and lobotomized nobody listening anymore to anybody..... and even more to oneself....!
    Yes, I'm an actor by trade, full time....It is certain that the calendar does not stop at the dates of this month of April 2013....I will have the opportunity to come and therefore come back.... (since I saw Les Innocents and your collaborator Valérie in LB 25 en Avignon) to mix me with one of the productions of these four ....!

    1. David Noir

      You will be welcome to "mingle" when the occasion is right for both of us. Thank you Sir!

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