Return on investment
Return on investment
An accelerated retrospective through the photographic archives of David Noir's creations at the Générateur.
Christophe Imbs and David Noir replay and improvise over 10 years of creations surrounded by random projections of Bernard Bousquet's photographs on the walls of the generator, the cradle of this infinity of suspended moments captured during some fifteen artistic events.
Like a first live burial since the birth of performance-sources, an archive site giving access to a living memory of the place, this dive will not be a nostalgic reading of the past, but a total dissolution of what remains of it.
Audiences, protagonists, virtual traces, live music and real words are the ingredients of a reworking that tends towards the horizon of an indescribable art rather than turning back in the now deeply dug groove of performance art.
FRASQ #15 | Rencontre de la performance | Le Générateur
18 October 2023
Acting, singing, improvisation: David Noir
Music: Christophe Imbs
Photographs for the slideshows: Bernard Bousquet
Slideshows: David Noir
Return on investment is a a physical and sensitive experience of the power of archives, directly linked to the site Performance Sourcescreated and put online by the Générateur in January 2023.