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Art and Body | Get to work!

But in what form do you put the pieces back together?

Nude without indecency is not truly nude. It's a fake.

How can we establish dialogues, live relationships, in short, live within this society which maintains tendencies towards hostility towards oneself and others?

A little more complicated than it sounds.

The "In" can only produce "In". There is no longer an author behind what happens there outside the institution itself.

Institutional nudity can no longer be one, unless it is presented "against". Any form of In claiming to be authentically close to creation is the equivalent of industrial bio.

Creativity fans out and evaporates from any work that does not choose to destroy itself instead of being exploited by the performing arts industry. An industry that, in the end, does not have the honest means to admit it.

To be against it is not necessarily to refuse to go, but to go "against" it, as we demonstrate.

Work is... Health.

At work | Self-portrait as a captive bear © David Noir
At work | Self-portrait as a captive bear © David Noir

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"Work is health" | Entrée des Camps de l'Amor | David Noir and Christophe Imbs receive the public at Anis Gras | Photo © David Noir
"Work is Health" | Entrée des Camps de l'Amor | David Noir and Christophe Imbs welcome the public at Anis Gras | Photo © David Noir