The harmfulness of cultural administrations
The path to hell is paved with good feelings as much as the road to the Wizard of Oz is paved with sparkling golden bricks. Nociousness.
The path to hell is paved with good feelings as much as the road to the Wizard of Oz is paved with sparkling golden bricks. Nociousness.
No, there is no such thing as "freedom of expression", just as there are limits on freedom, it's called the law ...
In the theater of degradation... we go to great lengths to chain together beautiful images "in homage to..." At the Generator, we put our strength into the art of creation.
The work of Bernard Bousquet, plastic surgeon, crosses my concerns. His anti-spectacular personality too. Silkscreen printing serves his artistic quest.
...voluntarily alone and totally naked, left to oneself, a few kilometers away from a city that one is preparing not to flee, but to invest...
Nightmares and Iconographic Terrors or The Risks of the Spectator's Life. To emerge victorious implies at least not having fought the wrong fight.
It is human and tribal to have to be constantly reassured about one's membership in a community and the relative state of one's loneliness
Even if it is dangerous to understand it literally, the Amok is nevertheless a phenomenon on which the being in search of itself must lean
Everything that happens at the Generator "becomes" the Generator. The infinite permissiveness that resides in it allows us to feel inhabited by a grandiose freedom.
"Innocence of Muslims". Good or bad, it doesn't matter. In no case a film or a work of art whatsoever deserves acts of repression.