The small business of kindness
Fear is now more fear than fear. It dissolves on the surface and is reborn in a little fart of shared benevolence...
Bastions of Fear
Also go look around a little bit.
Fear is now more fear than fear. It dissolves on the surface and is reborn in a little fart of shared benevolence...
Beyond the atrocious and useless deaths, the greatest victim of the ravages of the present era is a sense of humour.
Even and especially when it is touched by love, the couple is a matter of non-desire. This love becomes a repulsive thing.
Artists at fault, artists too weak, unable to save this world from a predatory terror... Artistic ultra-violence, where are you hiding?
Most of us are prey and we would like to do without predators. What will we be capable of without claws and fangs?
Enough to bivouac after the attacks and to take the air on a motorway area where you can park to enjoy the clear sky.
Violence and harshness are in the air. "Fond d'âme mental", a poetic text written on November 1, 2015, before the terror came.
Solidarity is not the display of single-mindedness. I will not be shouted any slogan that is not mine. Not Charlie tonight, not any other day.
I'm testifying from where I am. As a good archaeologist, I create my own ruin. The loneliness of the fields of childhood is not the same as the loneliness of the fields of adulthood.
I am one of those narrow-minded people who stupidly think that there is no crime without a murderer, no smoke without fire and no right-wing extremist... without a right-wing extremist.