Suddenly it was a mess
Wipe the trail left by your fly. Your love in return should be shat in your mouth.
FMR Poetry
Feminine, masculine, radical poetry
Wipe the trail left by your fly. Your love in return should be shat in your mouth.
My texts, written over time and gradually brought together here in their raw state, freely downloadable in PDF format
"You think Tim Burton is better than Ed Wood. You think it was Wagner who killed Natalie Wood... "Denial works | AltéréGo!
A personal poetic style concentrated in texts written over many years, brought together here in an online publication.
A little girl, a bit of a gorilla, cares about her elegance and aesthetics. The gore girl remembers her playmates.
Peace sought through the violence of words. Here, the text "I want to remain a stranger" is available for free reading.
The texts are the blades of grass and the grasses of my mental meadow. They grow anarchically and intertwine in a tight weave.
By the light of my glans, I travel the length of my stiff cock. Hello penis! My pornography is the charming territory of my exhibition.
Me, I spend my nights in the shelter. From everything. Sheltered from you, in spite of your suavely mellow voice that's so concerned with radio, hygienic and concerned.
Behind the computers, the lyrics look absolute. What a beautiful anonymity not to face oneself!