Let's talk about work | From the stage to Wordpress
The Web is a plastic material specific to the work of the plastic surgeon. It reproduces the complex interweaving of the flows of thoughts and images that pass through us.
Stage and Internet
From the stage to the Web and vice versa or How the Internet offers a necessary and expected extension to live performance.
The Web is a plastic material specific to the work of the plastic surgeon. It reproduces the complex interweaving of the flows of thoughts and images that pass through us.
One morning, or rather one night, a new blog was born in my little family of sites, a messed-up blog, designed to collect spelling mistakes with a ladle.
There is no project, there is no object. It will always be like that for me from now on. Because the canvas enlarges and stretches the weave of my mental space to the point of making new skins that do not need to be sewn together.
Theatre, wandering creature, eternally dying, adrift, floating in its sea of excrement like a cacochymous whale
From the genesis of "La Toison dort" in 2005 to the creation of the "Parques d'attraction" in 2013: Worrying continuation in ideas or saving stubbornness?
From the theatre to the Internet, it is a question of extending the stage to the Web, of interpreting the Web as an extension of the stage, of playing one's role online.