The small business of kindness
Fear is now more fear than fear. It dissolves on the surface and is reborn in a little fart of shared benevolence...
defending body
Fear is now more fear than fear. It dissolves on the surface and is reborn in a little fart of shared benevolence...
Sexo Paladin Cabaret Circus is the brainchild of Chloé Py and David Noir. Their love is a vast project, of which this is the show.
Opéra Pastille is a musical black widow that ingests its audience by liquefying its organs after listening. Christophe Imbs and David Noir compose the mandibles.
Love is not weakness. Love is not the fear of losing. Love is not crawling for forgiveness.
My art of living is nourished by the joyful obscenity of childhood; disguises, make-up, genitals manipulated like toys and sexualities...
Single images / Multiple images / Sober images / Dirty images / I dream of audible images on vast, taut skins that would resonate with their senses
I had a cat, a dog, a wife, a husband, a spider and yes / I lived in the hair / My ejaculations were irrevocable.
I came back from the land of the people / Centaur of the revolution / I rode all the way around on my own back / Sometimes it's all right
It's not about making love, it's about sexuality. Ah your values, your values, if you could put them where I think for once!
...but what's the connection between two genuflections? Between two blowjobs? Between two genu-fella xions? Have we ever had intercourse?