| You're your tail |
The maps I draw up represent my body, a body that is ultimately the same for everyone. I turn around, turn around, I'm back to square one.
screen image
The digital screen contains within itself its essential image through its own luminescence. It is this image that fascinates us before any other medium that uses it.
The maps I draw up represent my body, a body that is ultimately the same for everyone. I turn around, turn around, I'm back to square one.
Map of the island of Corps | Aquarius side | Bathed by the La Pudeur Sea, the island of Corps culminates at the Mont des Origines where the La Toison lighthouse stands.
A one-to-one acting course based on interpretation and technique, adaptable to all profiles of actor, whether beginner or experienced.
They are the very soil in which an individual's existence is built. Free from the constraints of social behaviour, these unknown materials seek out the unconstrained.
Photo galleries of shows, self-portraits, graphic creations... in short, if you want to get a picture of my work, it's here.
A new free and raw blog, as a necessary refuge for the written word. A little secret but not stuttering and spontaneously readable for anyone who would like to come there.
Whether it is scenic, textual, sound, visual or graphic, my art is exclusively sexual. It is rooted in a fascination with our bodies.
My cock jerked off. Appearance soft or carnally aggressive, shocking, the urge to suck undulates. "Say, draw me a penis! »
Oh, my sex, you coppery piece of meat! Hey you! Touch her. That's how the body is made. To deny it is pure nonsense. Whether you like it or not.
I saw the penis, the little sister of a wanker, and from the height of its erect shaft, it said to me: "Eat, this is my sex! Drink, this is my sperm".