Suddenly it was a mess
Wipe the trail left by your fly. Your love in return should be shat in your mouth.
mental space
At the price of a square metre, the virtual world of the Web can be seen as an opportunity to afford large spaces. For me, a website is like a second home; a vast loft where I can spread out and sometimes even feel a little sheltered from the physical world.
Wipe the trail left by your fly. Your love in return should be shat in your mouth.
My texts, written over time and gradually brought together here in their raw state, freely downloadable in PDF format
In the field of artistic research, it is not a question of saying "I want" or "I must", but "I am going towards". It's about going in the right direction.
Thinking of oneself as an artistic endeavour is a complex process. Why write? Perhaps simply to feed the flow of things.
The texts are the blades of grass and the grasses of my mental meadow. They grow anarchically and intertwine in a tight weave.
What is going on in OTO's head? Probably nothing, just movements of air and fluids. Contradictory, but never chaos.
Beyond the atrocious and useless deaths, the greatest victim of the ravages of the present era is a sense of humour.
The maps I draw up represent my body, a body that is ultimately the same for everyone. I turn around, turn around, I'm back to square one.
They are the very soil in which an individual's existence is built. Free from the constraints of social behaviour, these unknown materials seek out the unconstrained.
A new free and raw blog, as a necessary refuge for the written word. A little secret but not stuttering and spontaneously readable for anyone who would like to come there.