Group courses
Scène Vivante's group courses include themed workshops, improvisation workshops and group coaching.
Scène Vivante's group courses include themed workshops, improvisation workshops and group coaching.
Photo galleries of shows, self-portraits, graphic creations... in short, if you want to get a picture of my work, it's here.
Whether it is scenic, textual, sound, visual or graphic, my art is exclusively sexual. It is rooted in a fascination with our bodies.
My pornography is the rejoicing space of my excitement and the voluptuous retreat of my tranquility. It is the sunny resort of my thoughts.
I said what I had to say. I did what I had to do. I don't owe anybody anything. Just the taste is busting my balls.
Single images / Multiple images / Sober images / Dirty images / I dream of audible images on vast, taut skins that would resonate with their senses
I had a cat, a dog, a wife, a husband, a spider and yes / I lived in the hair / My ejaculations were irrevocable.
I came back from the land of the people / Centaur of the revolution / I rode all the way around on my own back / Sometimes it's all right
It's too big / It's too big / It's too much everywhere / It's too much all the time / Go get EMETH and touch yourself
Sports, nothing but sports without a state of mind and no sex with women at this time because the manly friendship, too, is falling apart...