So Sade | Degenerate in peace | Doll orgy © David Noir
Sade degenerates into peace | "Dolls' party" | So Sade © David Noir

Well, if you don't mind, I'm degenerating in peace!

I don't care about the emotional and social lives of my contemporaries.

Whether they are alive or dead, women or men, unknown or famous, children or old, from the other side of the world or from the building next door, I don't care.

The only thing that matters to me is what they may still have to offer that is generously singular, relevant and inventive, from their buried mystery echoing to me from the back of their noggin.

It's not about getting along with anyone who doesn't want to, nor is it about "being in society", yuck!

It's about earning your supposed brain power as an evolved individual. Work, think, question and if possible, go a little further.

There is a price to be paid for becoming human: not to be content with being.

Self-sufficiency just brings a nice dose of complacency.

In spite of this, self-contentment is necessary and its satisfaction is possible on the condition that one has a certain awareness of the mediocrity of the efforts one makes to grow; sometimes, even to grow oneself.


In truth, I tell you, no matter how hard I look, I cannot see any notable difference between the figure of Christ and that of Donatien de Sade. Universal love is intransigence and hatred of complacency.

Halfway through, the practice of the stage proposes a possible love of the human as it is; too human. But the practice alone. In due form and subject to the ultimate requirement of taking the step of exposing intimacy, of exploding in full flight under the astonished gaze.

Spectators and passivity then remain immeasurably on the side of the devil.

The David Noir Poupées Branl' Show!

Buy each of the 4 episodes of So Sade for 2,84€ or rent them for 1,70€.

in VOD on Vimeo

Timeless video-collages and gallery of ubuesque portraits against a backdrop of historical tragedy


1. SO SADE - Part 1 - Intact Flesh (27'36)

2. SO SADE - Part 2 - Handsome Sushi (35'48)

3. SO SADE - Part 3 - Oh! Low cost! (29'34)

SO SADE - Part 4 - Not in my nem (34'03)